A Modern Day Explanation for Jesus Washing Feet
To lead people to become
fully devoted followers of Jesus.
To lead people to become
fully devoted followers of Jesus.
To lead people to become
fully devoted followers of Jesus.
How To Deal with Losing a Friendship As a Christian
My Experience at a Poverty Simulation in Champaign-Urbana
8 Reasons Relationships are Your Most Indispensable Asset
Patience in a World of Hurry
Why the Church Needs to Be The Place Where People Belong
5 Reasons To Laugh This Christmas Season
How to be Thankful When You're Not Feeling It
Six Things To Know If You Are Going Through a Divorce
Daddy Issues
Five Reasons Why You Should Celebrate Juneteenth as a Christian and How To Do It
Twelve Leadership Lessons from Psalm 23
Hey Mama, Put Down the Spooky Mask
A Christian's Perspective on Dealing With Toxic People
Book Review of "When to Walk Away" by Gary Thomas
6 Things To Stop Doing and Start Doing According to Jesus' Brother
My worst fear had come true.
Your Face Is Red.
If You Have Something Nice to Say...Say It!
7 Tips To Having a Positive Political Conversation